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Updated: Aug 29, 2020

In our day to day life we have no time to take care of our body. But now, since we are quarantined, everyone has enough time do some stuffs like exercises, yoga, meditation etc., which are used to enrich our health as well as our body shape. Being healthy is more important than any other thing in the world. Because “Your health is an investment not an expense”.

Here we go with a simple and easy exercise to do daily which has a lot of benefits.


Lunge refers to a sudden forward thrust of a body with the arms outstretched. A forward lunge is a type of exercise in which your legs and almost the entire body gets stretched.


Step 1:

First of all you have to stand straight with your spine straight.

Step 2:

Now you have to place either your right or left leg forward.

Step 3 :

If you have placed your right leg forward, then you have to keep your left leg backwards and then it will get stretched.

Step 4:

Now you have to keep your spine straight and keep your head facing your front side.

Step 5:

Stay in that position for a minimum of 30 seconds. After 30 seconds you can place your alternative leg of which you have stretched before. And you have to hold a minimum of 30 seconds as same as the alternative leg.


If you do forward lunges perfectly then it will enriches the strength of your core and abdominal muscles. This also improves the balance of your body and helps to get rid of lower back pain.


While doing this exercise using dumbbells will improve the effectiveness. But if you don’t have any dumbbells with you, then you can also use any objects with a minimum weight of 2 kilograms. If you don’t have anything then you can just do it with your hands itself.

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