Parents not only give birth to a baby but nurture the baby, take care of the baby to child, child to adult and like these after crossing different stages until and unless the person is settled. The parents are always respected in every family, every society or community. Of course because of modern days’ selfish attitude and development of new goods and commodities a youth after marriage takes a different attitude towards parents albeit these are isolated cases.
Parents Day is celebrated in the United States on the fourth Sunday of July so in 2021 fourth Sunday is on 25 July. And since many Indians are in the USA, there are a lot of greetings. However, on 1 June, 2021 marks the Global Day of Parents. The day is observed with great enthusiasm all over the world with the objective to draw attention to the critical role of parents in the child rearing process.
Theme of Global Parents’ Day in 2021 was “Appreciate all parents throughout the world” is the theme of Global Parents’ Day 2021. This theme is the endorsement of parents’ struggles and sacrifices towards their children across the world. Also, this theme urges us to acknowledge Parents’ worth and affection and to value the sacrifices they make for their children. Parents undoubtedly provide an environment for the development of a child’s personality. Due to some social, economic or geographical factors, parents may find it difficult to be with their families but they always love and take care of the children.
The origin of the Parents Day is from Korea. In 1930 some Christian communities in Korea started to celebrate Mother’s Day. In 1956 The State Council of South Korea declared May 8 as Mother’s Day. However, the lack of Father’s Day was severely felt in public think tanks. On 30 March 1973, 8 May was designated as Parents Day in Korea. From then it is a national holiday in Korea. In 1994 USA President Bill Clinton signed a Congressional Resolution into law for supporting, uplifting and recognizing the role of parents for nurturing the children. In the light of this resolution, the fourth Sunday of July of every year was declared as a parents day holiday. In 2012 UN declared 1 June to be celebrated every year as Global Day of Parents.
As United Nations on occasion of Global Parents Day “Programs may include the following:
a) Readings of the UN's background statement on the Global Day of Parents
b) Speeches or personal reflections about parenting
c) Showing a short animated video clip about parental love
d) Readings about parents from the world's religious traditions followed by a discussion
e) Showing a movie about parent-child relationships”
I am directly presenting the Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 17 September 2012
Global Day of Parents, the General Assembly’s declaration:
1. Decides to proclaim 1 June the Global Day of Parents, to be observed annually, honouring parents throughout the world;
2. Invites Member States to celebrate the Global Day of Parents in full partnership with civil society, particularly involving young people and children;
3. Requests the Secretary-General to bring the present resolution to the attention of all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system and civil society organizations for appropriate observance.
The UN also feels that “Families remain at the centre of social life, ensuring the well-being of their members, educating and socializing children and youth and caring for the young and old. In particular, family-oriented policies can contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals relating to doing away with poverty and hunger; ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all ages; ensuring educational opportunities throughout the lifespan and achieving gender equality”.
Hope readers who were not aware about Global Day of Parents and USA Parents Day have got an idea in this regard.
The following websites have been consulted while writing the article.
Dr. Shankar Chatterjee Hyderabad, Dt 25 July 2021